- Shikohin was featured in Oprah Daily as “15 Anti-Aging Creams That Give Smooth, Plump, and Radiant Skin”
- “Japanese-Inspired Slow Beauty And Wellness Brand Shikohin Enters Neiman Marcus” by Beauty Independent
- “The Best Beauty Products Vogue Editors Tried This Year” by VOGUE
The Best Beauty Products Vogue Editors Tried This Year
Picks from Dyson, Dior, Tata Harper, and Living Proof are just a few of the brands that made the cut.
- “11 Beauty & Wellness Brands Grounded In Eastern Philosophy” by Bustle
This New Wellness “Trend” Has Actually Been Around For Centuries
Shikohin, Squigs Beauty, and more AAPI-founded wellness and beauty brands inspired by Eastern practices.
- 「日本の究極の癒やしを届ける 『Shikohin』」 by TOKION
- 「私の転機 〜キノコなど日本の事前の恵を使った自然派スキンケアブランド「Shikohin」の同業者である信原威氏。アメリカでの経験を基に、起業を志す人に向けての「ファウンダー思考」を上梓つした信原氏に、挑戦と冒険に満ちた人生の転機を伺った」 by Lighthouse California
「米国視察特別プログラム報告 〜進化を続ける技術とマーケット」(日経トップリーダーとEISでコラボして、米国で「新規事業アイディエーション・プログラム」を開催) by 日経トップリーダー